Policy recommendations
Climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) are among the paramount goals of the UN sustainable development agenda, galvanised through major UN conferences and summits held over 2015. The ENHANCE project has contributed to achieving the goals of several new policy frameworks, such as: the UN Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on risk financing, and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change on climate adaptation.
The ENHANCE project has contributed to many of the objectives and goals of the new frameworks, in particular (i) better understanding of risk and evidence-based and risk-informed public policies; (ii) managing risk by means of partnering and horizontal and vertical cooperation between private and public entities; through (iii) high policy level targeted dissemination and outreach.

Access to all policy recommendations
Risk assessment and information
Risk perception
DRR and economic instruments
Economic instruments: Conclusions and recommendations for policy and research
Insurance instruments and disaster resilience in Europe – insights from the ENHANCE project
Forest fires and insurances in Portugal
Air industry response to volcanic eruptions
Flood risk management Port of Rotterdam
Trilateral (flood) risk management in the Wadden Sea Region
Heat and health risk in European cities
Flood risk: the EUSF and Romania
Controlled flooding as a last resort of flood control
The Júcar River Basin, Spain
Evaluation of multi-sectoral partnerships (MSPs): flood risk management and climate change in London
Evaluation of multi-sectoral partnerships (MSPs): Flood risk management and climate change in London
Building railway transport resilience to alpine hazards

ENHANCE policy briefs
Policy Brief: Natural hazard risk assessments for improving resilience in Europe
Policy Brief: Multi-Sectoral Partnerships and risk information
Policy Brief: Insurance instruments and disaster resilience in Europe - insights from the ENHANCE project
Policy Brief: How does perception shape management within multi-sector partnerships in Europe?
Policy Brief: Economic instruments for promoting disaster risk management
Policy Brief: Climate impact and loss data